
Anglia Water works in Folksworth – February 7

We wanted to get in touch to let you know about an upcoming project in your area. We’re committed to providing a reliable and resilient water supply to  you and four million other residents in our region. That’s why we’re investing £750,000 upgrading your local water network. This scheme is Folksworth is part of a major investment programme across Peterborough and surrounding villages which will see us working on several projects improving the water and water recycling services we provide. You can find out more on our dedicated Peterborough web-page


Every day we send nearly a billion litres of clean, healthy water down enough pipes to stretch from Folksworth to Sydney and back, and that infrastructure needs regular maintenance and investment. When a water pipe gets old there is an increased risk of bursts and leaks causing loss of supply and wasted water.


We’re currently in the design stages of this project and plan to start the work in June 2022. We wrote to you last year when we completed investigation work using a ground-penetrating radar. This allowed us to see live accurate imaging of the existing utilities underneath the surface, helping to plan the project with minimal disruption. We now need to carry out eight investigative digs (trial holes) in different areas to understand the ground conditions, the results from these will help us decide the best technique to install the pipe.


We plan to start work on 07 February 2022 for eight days. To complete this work safely we will need temporary traffic lights in place on Washingley Road and Folksworth Road. You can see our trial hole locations on the attached map.