
February 16th 2021 Full Council Meeting

The meeting will be held remotely, starts at 7.20 with the Open Forum and can be joined by using the following link:  

March 16, 2021 Full Council Meeting

The remote meeting will be held using the Zoom platform at 7.20pm.  The link to join the meeting can be found on the Agenda

Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council

Tuesday May 4th following on immediately from the AnnualParish meeting which starts at 7pm  - This will be a remote meeting held via the Zoom platform.  The link to join the meeting can be found on the Agenda in the documents section

Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday May 4th, 7pm

The Annual Parish meeting will be held remotely using the Zoom platform on Tuesday, May 4th at 7pm.  This will be followed by the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council. The Annual Parish Meeting(APM) is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when Local Councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried […]


We are collecting for the DEC fund on Saturday 19th March between 9.30-11.30 at the Village Hall, Folksworth. Please look around your homes for loose change in drawers and pots etc and bring them along ... every little helps! Refreshments will also be available with all proceeds going to the fund.  

Planning Meeting November 7th, 2023

The Parish Council will hold a planning meeting on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 in the Committee Room at the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth

Budget/Precept Meeting – November 7, 2023

The Parish Council will hold a Budget/Precept meeting on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 in the Committee Room at the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth immediately following the Planning Meeting at 7pm.

Full Parish Council Meeting – November 21, 2023

There will be a Full Council meeting on Tuesday, November 21st at 7.20pm. The meeting begins with a Public Forum and Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend.