The Parish Council is the third tier of local government covering the villages of Foksworth and Washingley. The two tiers above are Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) and Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC).
We aim to provide services for the Parish of Folkswoth and Washingley, within the resources provided by the annual budget (precept) from HDC, considering the wishes of village residents and the need to obtain value for money. Council applies for grants when and where it can to provide additional facilities.
The Council is a body that is distinct from its members (either as individuals or collectively) and its acts and liabilities are its own and not those of its members.
The part-time Clerk to the Council is a statutory office holder and is paid a salary for official duties. The current Clerk acts as Secretary and Treasurer (Responsible Financial Officer) to the Council. Council has no other employees and contractors are used as and when required.
Councillors are volunteers. All councillors are required to declare various interests and to withdraw from discussions should a conflict of interest arise.
The Parish Council is non-political. It is solely involved in issues, items and developments for the benefit and assistance of the Parish.
Your Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of most, but not all, of the grassed areas throughout the parish, the upkeep and maintenance of the Playing Field and newly developing Community Orchard (near the village pond) Bus Shelter, Village Signs, Benches, Noticeboards and the recently installed defibrillator.