
A1 Wansford to junction 17 (Peterborough): safety improvements


Highways England plan to carry out works to upgrade roughly 5 miles of safety barrier, plus install safety signage on the A1 between Wansford and junction 17, Peterborough. This work will ensure the A1 continues to remain in a safe and serviceable condition.

This will follow on from the work they have been carrying out on the A1 between Wothorpe and Wansford over the past 5 months. To date, we have upgraded approximately 8 miles of safety barrier between Wothorpe and Wansford.

They plan to complete this work over 8 months from Monday 12 December. They will work between 8pm and 6am on weeknights only, weather permitting.

There will be some pre-works from Wednesday 7 December to install temporary speed cameras on the A1, ahead of the main works. These are detailed below.

Closures and diversions

To carry out the work safely, they will need to close the A1, and divert traffic as detailed below:

  • Southbound closure between Wansford and junction 17 to install temporary speed cameras – Wednesday 7, Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December
  • Northbound closure between junction 17 and Wansford to install temporary speed cameras – Monday 12, Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 December
  • Northbound closure between junction 17 (Peterborough) and Wansford – Monday 12 December to early April 2023
  • Southbound closure between Wansford and junction 17 (Peterborough) – Early April to July 2023


Whilst the A1 is closed, southbound traffic will be diverted from the A1 at Wansford and directed to follow the A47, A1260 Nene Parkway and A1139 Fletton Parkway, before re-joining the A1(M) southbound at junction 17, Fletton Parkway Interchange.

Northbound traffic will follow the same route but in reverse.

From Wednesday 4 January, temporary speed limits will be in place on the A1 for safety reasons. Speeds will be reduced to 40mph, 24 hours a day, between Wansford and junction 17, with temporary speed cameras in operation.

No work will be carried out over the Christmas period between Wednesday 20 December and Tuesday 3 January.


How to find out more

To find out more about road improvements we’re carrying out across the East of England, please visit our website at

If you would like more information, please contact us on 0300 123 5000, or by email at