
Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 7PM


TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 AT 7.00PM

The Parish Meeting is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Folksworth & Washingley to raise any matters of concern relating to their local community. It would be helpful, but not essential, to have written notice of items to be raised. Electors of the Parish will be entitled to make resolutions and take a vote at the meeting which is open to the press and public.


Welcome & Introduction – Councillor Mark Randall – Chairman

Apologies for absence. 

Overview of the Parish Council’s Annual Report – Cllr Mark Randall

Introduction of Councillors and their responsibilities

Any general questions to Parish Councillors on matters over which the Parish Council has responsibility.



Sergeant Anna Martin, Neighbourhood Sergeant for Huntingdonshire Police, whose area includes Folksworth, will talk about the benefits of Neighbourhood policing and answer any questions and concerns residents might have.


Refreshments will be served.