Folksworth & Washingley Parish Council
2024-25 Budget/Precept
Setting the budget and from there the precept requirement is always a difficult process. We must do this in November when we’re only 2/3rds through our current financial year to be able to provide figures in early December to the District Council without any knowledge of what changes they and the other higher tier councils might make – they set their budgets in late Feb/March!
This year it was even more difficult because the District Council had said it was going to review the Council Tax support system which basically means how much support residents were going to receive. In simple terms this could mean that rather than 100 residents all paying a share of our Precept of say £100 – £1 each, if it was decided that an additional 10 residents required support, our £100 request would now be shared between 90 residents equating to £1.11p each. Obviously, actual figures are higher than this.
Last year’s precept was £35,076. It had been at this level since 2019.Council had its Budget Meeting at the beginning of November and looked closely at its finances and goals for the future. It could either keep the Precept at this level and not embark on any projects or it could continue to improve the parish in small ways. It was decided that costs, such as Clerk’s salary etc, would remain the same but other costs increased. An additional £7k put into the budget for the provision of an interactive speed sign since speeding is the number one priority for many residents. As well as budgeting for this, Council also made a grant application to Cambs CC but felt that it would want to go ahead with the project even if the application was unsuccessful. This was the only new project budgeted for.
Another major consideration was the play equipment on the playing field which was showing its age and in need of almost constant repair/replacement. Costs for repairs had risen considerably and had to be considered. £5000 was budgeted for new equipment but the cost of the swings rose above this. Although an application for a MUGA was being made Councillors were aware of what might be needed to keep the other equipment safe and functional. Councillors agreed to set up a long-term fund which hopefully would keep pace with the rising costs of play equipment and allow pieces to be replaced or added to over the years whilst also making grant applications. Without any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds on the horizon, which are paid with any new housing developments, grant applications are the only form of external funding available to us.
The 2024/25 budget was agreed at £53,572 and the Precept set at £43,572. With the balance on project funds unspent being carried forward.
Jackie Stanbridge
Clerk to the Council/RFO